Priscilla Petty
helps leaders step back to see the system as a whole,
the root causes of problems, and where opportunities
for improvement lie. She can pinpoint cultural
problems and why and where they lead in unproductive
directions. The right message and the right culture
ensure increased effectiveness, lower costs, and
higher profits. She does not dictate solutions but
shows leaders how to make their own good decisions.
She has advised company leaders, including the chief executives of two Fortune 50 companies.
She has advised company leaders, including the chief executives of two Fortune 50 companies.
I have
had the great privilege of spending my life’s
years interacting with some of the brightest,
most innovative and stimulating people in our
country, both in my work and private life. I
spent twelve years learning from personal
friend and great philosopher Allain Ramsay, who
developed and presented his unique perspective
on life and spirit. I spent five years learning
from quality expert W. Edwards Deming, who
developed his own system of profound knowledge,
a system of producing better business,
educational, and life results. And I’ve spent
thousands of hours interviewing and talking
with business leaders and consultants who act,
each day, on the principles they’ve
internalized and are thus effective leaders. It
has been a joy to live my life getting to know
these intellectual and business leaders who
contribute to our world—leaders who cause me to
think, and often re-think, my positions and
understandings. (Sometimes I do that
re-thinking being dragged, mentally kicking and
screaming, to a new perspective, but I

From the Deming of America program, 1991
In my
writings and video work I try to apply all that I’ve
learned and bring to others the insights I’ve gained.
My current projects:
● Op-ed pieces which apply Deming principles to current situations in business and politics
● A book about The Procter & Gamble Company, concentrating on the past 30 years, including the present. This will show why P&G survived and thrived for 175 years and how its senior executives made this happen. Research and interviews were begun in 2006 and I’ve now interviewed, in depth, 100 senior management officers, six CEOs, and 19 board members, six of whom were outside directors. All have been honest and direct. This will be a very personal look at the leaders of a Fortune 50 company over time—and why and how these leaders succeeded, plus what changed and began to go wrong. Finally, the book will explain what caused P&G’s current 2012 weakness and how the Company can be turned around.
● Turnaround of a small business using Deming principles.
Bio Highlights
● Wrote a weekly syndicated newspaper column on people and management for 11 years. The column appeared locally in the Cincinnati Enquirer and was Syndicated by Gannett News Service for their 80 or so papers. Interviewed well over a thousand people about business.
● Wrote Harvard Business Review article: Interview with then Procter & Gamble CEO John Smale
● Produced the Public Television program on W. Edwards Deming, quality guru, featuring Dr. Deming and CEOs of major corporations. On-camera interviewer. Traveled with Dr. Deming as he consulted with businesses and spoke about change at seven of his 4-day seminars. Owned rights and sold video/DVD, The Deming of America, as a business training video
● Authored What’s in It for You and Your Firm: CEOs and Presidents Look at Community Involvement & Volunteerism, a book about the benefits to business of community service; based on interviews with corporate CEOs and Presidents
● Authored Under a Lucky Star, a book about Cincinnatian Frederick Hauck
● Served as occasional guest commentator on management for the Public Television program Nightly Business Report
● Created the Media Business Seminar. Brought all the CEOs of Cincinnati’s major businesses together with Media leadership and hosted an all-day and evening discussion of media/business issues
● Co-Founded (with Oliver M. Gale) the Cincinnati Oral History Foundation
● Business consultant/writer through company, Petty Consulting Productions
Priscilla Petty graduated from Vanderbilt University and
attended the Linguistics and Russian Institute at Dartmouth College.
My current projects:
● Op-ed pieces which apply Deming principles to current situations in business and politics
● A book about The Procter & Gamble Company, concentrating on the past 30 years, including the present. This will show why P&G survived and thrived for 175 years and how its senior executives made this happen. Research and interviews were begun in 2006 and I’ve now interviewed, in depth, 100 senior management officers, six CEOs, and 19 board members, six of whom were outside directors. All have been honest and direct. This will be a very personal look at the leaders of a Fortune 50 company over time—and why and how these leaders succeeded, plus what changed and began to go wrong. Finally, the book will explain what caused P&G’s current 2012 weakness and how the Company can be turned around.
● Turnaround of a small business using Deming principles.
Bio Highlights
● Wrote a weekly syndicated newspaper column on people and management for 11 years. The column appeared locally in the Cincinnati Enquirer and was Syndicated by Gannett News Service for their 80 or so papers. Interviewed well over a thousand people about business.
● Wrote Harvard Business Review article: Interview with then Procter & Gamble CEO John Smale
● Produced the Public Television program on W. Edwards Deming, quality guru, featuring Dr. Deming and CEOs of major corporations. On-camera interviewer. Traveled with Dr. Deming as he consulted with businesses and spoke about change at seven of his 4-day seminars. Owned rights and sold video/DVD, The Deming of America, as a business training video
● Authored What’s in It for You and Your Firm: CEOs and Presidents Look at Community Involvement & Volunteerism, a book about the benefits to business of community service; based on interviews with corporate CEOs and Presidents
● Authored Under a Lucky Star, a book about Cincinnatian Frederick Hauck
● Served as occasional guest commentator on management for the Public Television program Nightly Business Report
● Created the Media Business Seminar. Brought all the CEOs of Cincinnati’s major businesses together with Media leadership and hosted an all-day and evening discussion of media/business issues
● Co-Founded (with Oliver M. Gale) the Cincinnati Oral History Foundation
● Business consultant/writer through company, Petty Consulting Productions
Priscilla Petty graduated from Vanderbilt University and
attended the Linguistics and Russian Institute at Dartmouth College.